Friday 12 December 2008


(April 22, 1923 – December 11, 2008)

Thursday 11 December 2008

First Post

Featuring my darling Grandma on the metro.

I've started blogs before, although I've never really fallen through with keeping up with them/myself- God, I'm lazy. My last attempt was a food blog with all the new, exciting recipes I would come up with at university, but of course I ended up not posting and eating pasta out the pot with my feet on my table whilst watching an episode of Ugly Betty. Bliss.

Anyway, after much procrastination in the form of surfing fashion blogs/ Internet window shopping annnnnd here's my first post! This time I'm not promising to blog solely under the category of
anything and I'm not promising to blog, thus I won't feel guilty if I ditch the Internet. Yes, the Internet, the WHOLE Internet. Uh ..

But I think you get the point I like clothesandfoodandphotographyandstuff.

I love making lists so heere's a list of things I want to accomplish in the next month:

1) Make a few dresses/ recycle clothes
2) Set up website
3) Bake a delicious peach pie
4) Devour a delicious peach pie
5) Photo shoot with friends
6) Finish at least one of the many books I'm 1/4th of the way through
7) Take some awesome! photos
8) Catch up on German studying (wtf was I thinking)
9) Apply for summer job

dhoiadsnnuin 9AM seminar.. I loathe you, Ms. McDowell. I also loathe the boy in the room next to me watching Southpark at full volume, filthhhhh

- Anne